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गुरुकुल विश्वभारती (गुरुकुल हाई स्कूल)

भैयापुर, लाढ़ौत रोड, रोहतक, हरियाणा - 124401

सीबीएसई से सहबद्ध नई दिल्ली (एफिलिएशन कोड - 531114,स्कूल कोड - 41088)

Swami Dayanand
Gurkul Vishwabharti Logo

गुरुकुल विश्वभारती

Gurkul Vishwabharti Logo

गुरुकुल विश्वभारती (गुरुकुल हाई स्कूल)





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Admission Procedure

Admissions are made to IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and XI classes. Date of entrance test will be updated shortly. Prospectus is released in the month of January. Form duly filled attached in the prospectus is submitted in the school before the last date. Preference in admission is given to the candidate excelling in entrance test. The syllabus for the entrance test is given in the prospectus as well as on our website. Candidates have to undergo a personal interview in addition to the entrance test. Admission is granted only when the candidate satisfies the committee meant for the purpose. Parents are required to submit proper medical fitness certificate of their ward. If symptoms of persistent health problem are noticed at any stage after admission, the admission of student will be rejected. A copy of birth certificate, school leaving certificate of the previous institution and attested copy of the detailed marks sheet are submitted after the admission.

Admission Test :

Class 5th to 9th & 11th Admission will be done on the basis of Admission Test.

Important Note :

Admission to Class-XI: Admission to Class-XI will be given only on vacant seats within ten days of the declaration of the results of 10th (Board) examination.

Important Instructions :
  • The students who could not submit their Transfer Certificate and Report Card of their previous school must submit them with their quarterly dues or Gurukul admission upto April 10 otherwise their admission will be cancelled.
  • Admission of a student who does not abide by the given instructions may be cancelled.
Note :

Students must be medically and physically fit. Admission of a student having contagious disease may be cancelled.

Gurukul Vishwabharti

Gurukul Vishwabharti

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3 K.M. Stone from Bus Stand, Ladhot Road, Rohtak, Haryana, 124401




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